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Business Plan怎么写?看看我们的Business Plan模板-上

浏览: 日期:2019-06-17

Business Plan怎么写?撰写Business Plan纲要指南,以下是一些注释和标题,供您完成您的Business Plan模板。

在这个讲义中,你会发现在你的Business Plan中使用的标题。在大多数页面上都有注释,用斜体表示,注释包括哪些内容,以及在何处查找所需信息。这些是一般指导方针,以帮助您准备您的Business Plan,并可以刚刚删除,当您开始编制自己的Business Plan。

你还会发现一些问题来帮助激发你的思维过程——在Business Plan模板上用红色表示。





Executive Summary


This summary should highlight all the major points in the business plan and will probably be written upon completion of all of the other sections of the business plan.  The Executive Summary is what the reader will go to first.



You will need to provide a brief overview so that the reader can see very quickly what to expect from the rest of the document.


As you create the other sections of your plan, flag-up sentences or sections for inclusion in your summary.  Do not use these sections verbatim, but this exercise will remind you to include the essence of these sections in your summary.


Your executive summary should be between one and two pages and should include your business concept, financial features, financial requirements, current state of your business, when it will be formed, principal owners and key personnel.  





Create your executive summary after you have written the other sections of your plan so that you may cull a few sentences from important sections for inclusion in your executive summary

Polish your executive summary.  Have several people read it - both those who know your business and those who do not - to check for clarity and presentation

Be sure to include business concept, financial features, financial requirements, current state of your business, when it will be formed, principal owners and key personnel.

Use industry association statistics, market research from other sources, and other documenting information to back up statements you make in your executive summary

Keep your executive summary short and make it interesting.  This is your chance to entice readers to read your entire plan thoroughly!





Contents Page


                                                        Page no.


i     Executive Summary


1.             Introduction – History and background                


2.            Market Research


3.            Product or service


4.            Legal obligations


5.            Business Aims & Objectives


6.            Marketing strategy


7.            Sales activity plan


8.            Pricing and production costs


9.            SWOT/PEST analysis


10.         Contingency plans


11.          Staffing requirements – recruitment and training


12.         Resource requirements


13.         Sources of funding and investment


14.         Personal survival statement


15.         Conclusion/summary


16.         Cashflow forecast and other financial statements


17.         Appendices            -    Proprietor/partner/director CV’s

    (Summary/ heading of           -    Supplier’s brochures

     all documents included)   -    Sample price lists or menus


Section 1.

Introduction – history and background


Use this section to explain why you are setting up this business.  That is, you need to show what events have led you to this stage, eg your own interest and motivation to establish this type of business venture.

Questions to ask yourself:

      What is your business idea?


      Why do you want to go into business?


      What factors will be crucial to the success for the business?


      Do you analyse these factors elsewhere in the plan?

Section 2.

Market Research


Use this section to justify the demand for your product or service in the market you want to set-up in.


Broad statements of opinion should be avoided.


You will need to establish who your customers are.


The information you will need to include is:


      The Market           -    Growing, declining or static


      Trends            -    Identify current trends, ie seasonality


      Quantify the Market -    base on catchment area and primary                                   research results


Some of this information can be obtained from the following sources:


    1.  Desk research


Try some of these information sources (use this list in conjunction with the list devised in Workshop 1):


·         Libraries

·         Enterprise Agencies

·         Local Authorities

·         Trade Publications

·         Newspaper and journal articles

·         High Street Banks

·         General Household Surveys

·         Mintel market reports


2.   Field Research


This is directly to do with your product or services and can be obtained using the following methods:


·         Questionnaires                      Observations



·         Test adverts                         Interviews

·         Site assessment                    Focus group

·         Mailshot                               Foot fall studies



3.   Competitors


What is required is a list of your competitors together with a list of their identified strengths and weaknesses:


      Names and addressees

      What they are good at and what they are not so good at with regard to:


·         Quality

·         Pricing

·         Delivery times

·         Minimum drop

·         Payment terms

·         Attitude

·         Professionalism

  Questions to ask yourself:



Who are your customers?


      What information can you find out about then?


      Where can you find out this information?


      What are your customers’ needs?


      Who are your competitors?


      What information can you find out about then?


      Where can you find out this information?

Section 3.

Product or Service


This should describe the product or service fully and also contain information about your sources of supplies.

Questions to ask yourself:

What are your KEY products or services?


      What sets your product/service apart from your competitors and makes it



      What will your product/service life cycle be?  Can you estimate/measure       these time zones?


      Who will your KEY suppliers be?


      What do your know about your intended suppliers? – prices/deliveries

Section 4.

Legal Obligations


The information required here should list what is need and at what cost to the business.


Give due consideration to:


·         Public Liability Insurance

·         Health and Safety requirements

·         HMRC – VAT registration and Corporation Tax

·         Contributions Agency

·         Companies House for business names registration

·         Employers Liability

·         Product liability

·         Local Authority by laws -    Trading Standards

           For any required        -    Environmental Health

           licences                -    Planning


Questions to ask yourself:

What other legislation will you need to find out about?


      How did you find out that you needed to obtain it/


      Where will you go to find it?

Section 5.

Business Aims and Objectives




This should describe where your business hopes to go eventually beyond the survival stage.  For example, ‘TO BE THE BEST VEGETARIAN RESTAURANT IN ROATH, CARDIFF




These describe the steps or targets you set yourself to achieve the overall business aim. 


Your objectives follow on from your Mission Statement but are quantifiable, measurable and time-bound.  Very often people will lift financial objectives from their forecasts, for example sales and profits for the first three years.  But there may be other measurable objectives such as number of customers, personal income, repayment of loans etc.


So  use the following table: 








Year 1








Open a Business Bank account

Produce business cards

Create and publish website

Organise open day

Achieve year 1 turnover of £xxxxx

Gain 30 customers with 3 months

Gain 100 customers with 12 months

Employ 3 persons in role of tutors.

Advertise in local theatre papers.

Advertise in

Advertise in the Yellow Pages

Advertise in local newsletter/magazine

Buy a suitable car to advertise school on, with lettering.

Register website with recognised search engine.


Jul 2007

Jul 2007

Jul 2007

Sept 2007

Jul 2008

Oct 2007

Jul 2008

Sept 2007

Dec 2007

Sept 2007

Jan 2008

Jul 2007

Jul 2007


Jul 2007



























Year 2









Maintain the customers gained in 1st year

Introduce  extra products/services:

Become a Limited company.

Research potential area/premises for location.

Commence advertising for 2nd school.

Hold open days for 2nd school.

Maintain advertising:

Yellow Pages

Achieve projected profit/loss targets

Employ extra staff for extra classes, and administrator.



Sept 2006

Sept 2006


Sept 2006

Sept 2006

Sept 2006

Sept 2006


Sept 2006


Jan 2007

Jan/Feb 2007

April 2007






Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete









Year 3









Maintain 60 pupils in first school

Open second 6-16 school.

Win 20 pupils to open school.

Win 60 pupils after 12 months.

Research franchising the company.

Maintain advertising:

Maintain employment of 3 employees

Achieve projected profit/loss targets


Sept 2007

Sept 2007

Sept 2007

June 2008

Sept 2008

Dec 2008

Jan 2008

Sept 2007

July 2008

Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete






All objectives must meet SMARTER









All objectives must meet SMARTER


Specific to the business

Measurable by target figures

Achievable within the time period – usually one year

Realistic for the type of business

Time restrained – have a month in mind to be achieved by

Evaluated – recordable and then be interpreted

Reviewed – progress reviewed at certain intervals 3/6/9/12 months



 Questions to ask yourself:

What are your business goals?  [year 1, year 2, year 3]


      How do you plan to achieve them?


      How do you intend for the business to grow and expand?


Section 6.

Marketing Strategy


The marketing and promotion could be achieved by:


Newspaper advertising


Local radio

Direct mail

Cold calling

Word of mouth

Come and try it days or events


Questions to ask yourself:


How do you intend to reach your customers/new customers?


      Describe fully how you intend to achieve this


      What other promotion methods can you use?


Selling Strategy


List the benefits of your product/services


That is, put yourself in your customers shoes and identify what you want from the product/service


Where does your product/service stand with regard to your Competition?


That is, is it unique or unusual, is it better or worse – if worse how can you improve it.











